Sunday, July 14, 2013

7105 Module 5 - New Technologies

While it may be safe to assume that people have positive attitudes toward experimenting with new technologies in the workplace, it may be equally safe to assume that you will encounter people in the workplace who have low self-efficacy in experimenting with new technologies. Briefly describe a situation in which you have encouraged people to use a new technology and have been met with resistance or disappointing results. What attitudes did these people exhibit? What behaviors did they demonstrate? Using Keller’s ARCS model, describe how you could change the motivation of these people, or learners, to encourage success.

I am have experienced this first hand, and never thought that the teachers with such experience would have such a negative attitude. At the end of the 2012 school year, the district introduced a machine called Lucy. Lucy is a video camera that can capture 360 degrees images at one time. Lucy also has to microphones, one for the teacher and one for the students. Lucy is suppose to be used as a reflection tool by teachers, so that they may improve upon their teaching skills. I was the first teacher at my school to use it. It just so happen to be one of my assignments for a class that I was in at the time. But surprisingly, I received a lot of flack about using the device. Some of the more seasoned teachers made statements such as: "they just want to tape your students behaviors," "don't trust it, its a caught you tool," "they just want to use it to evaluate you." 
I just saw it as an opportunity to see what I was doing wrong, and finding a way to correct it.

Keller's ARCS Model stresses the problem-solving method, more specifically the students' motivation to learn. So I believe if I found out the teacher's motivation to teach, this could be used to convince the teachers to use this tool. Once the teachers see that this technological tool's use is for bettering the educational process of the students, they should inclined to use it.  


  1. That is a interesting situation, I know many teachers at my site would be saying the same things. I would have embraced it as I like trying new things, even if they do not work, I still am willing to give it a shot. Did any of those negative teachers ever get on board?

  2. Hi Allison, we installed a similar system were only our recorded lectures are uploaded so students can use them as a review tool. We too, had a lot of resistance from faculty with the same concerns. Now, it’s used 90%, mainly because there was a plan and a process instead management saying, “do it”. I wonder if you could turn your ARCS model into an execution plan? Monica
